Solar Technology Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
and Professorship in Renewable Energy Carriers - ETH Zurich
The research programs of the Solar Technology Laboratory at PSI and the Institute of Energy Technology at
ETH Zurich are airmed at the advancement of the thermal, thermochermical, and electrochemical
engineering sciences applied in the field of concentrated solar energy technology. The research focus is in
the investigation of radiation heat transfer in multi-phase chermical reacting flows, therrmodynamic analysis
of novel solar energy conversion processes, high-ternperature solar thermochemical reactor engineering,
and solar hydrogen production.
The PSI/ETH's mission is to develop the
science and technology required for
transforming solar energy into chemical fuels
at an industrial scale with a thermochermical
process that effects this conversion more
competitively than any other solar-to-fuels
The PSI/ETH research facilities include:
a 40-kW 5,000-suns solar furnace,
a 50-kW 11,000-suns high-flux solar simulator,
two 75-kW 5,000-suns high-flux solar simulators,
physical chemistry laboratories.
The PSI/ETH joint staff includes 10 scientists, 9 engineers/technicians, 11 doctoral students, and 20 Master
students. PSI serves as the Operating Agent for Solar Chemistry in the International Energy Agency's
SolarPACES Program. The editorial headquarter of the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering is
located at ETH Zurich.

Solar chemical reactor for
the production of hydrogen
in operation

Solar chemical reactor
configuration for the thermal
dissociation of Zn0 at 2000K

The 40 kW PSI solar furnace

The PSl's High-F1ux Solar Simulator
(see SOLLAB highlight)
SOLLAB Highlight
The PSl's new High-Flux
Solar Sirmulator features
high performance level of
combined radiative power
(up to 50 kW) and power
flux (exceeding 11,000
This research facility
simulates the radiation
characteristics of highly
concentrating solar systems
and serves as an
experimental platform for
investigating the
thermochemical processing
of solar fuels and for testing
advanced high-temperature
materials in the 1000-3000
K range.
June 15 – 17, 2017
13th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies will be organised in Berlin by the DLR, Germany |
June 6 – 8, 2016
12th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies will be organised by the Plataforma Solar de Almería (PSA), Spain |
June 23 – 25, 2014 10th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies at PROMES Odeillo, France |
March 2014
New position for a research engineer, experienced in energy systems at CNRS/PROMES |
May 13 – 14, 2013 9th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies at Hornberg Castle in the Black Forest, Germany |
June 25-26, 2012 8th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium on Solar Concentrating Technologies at Almería, Spain |
December 19, 2011 New Position for a PhD student opened at the Paul Scherrer Institute |
March 24-25, 2011 2nd SFERA Winter School at ETH Zürich, Switzerland |
March 21-23, 2011 7th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium in Grindelwald, Switzerland | June7-9, 2010 6th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, PROMES Odeillo, France |
September 2009 New Post-doctoral position opened at PROMES, 2009-2010 |
June 22-24, 2009 5th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, DLR Cologne, Germany |
September 10-12, 2008 4th SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, PSA, Spain |
September 11-12-13, 2007 3rd SOLLAB Doctoral Colloquium, PROMES-Odeillo, France |
14-15 Apr. 2006 1st Workshop SOLLAB Flux and Temperature Measurement Group - Odeillo |
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